Thinking about Baptism or Confirmation? Then the Catechism Class is for you. A six week class for students in 6th-12th grade, starting February 22,
meeting after church, at the church from 6:15-7:15pm. Dinner included.
Catechism is the ancient ritual through which the young ones (grades 6-12) are initiated into the church. This rite has always been a combination of learning the basic tenets of the Christian faith and certain physical tests of strength and faith. While branding is no longer common and the process is not as painful as it once was, what remains is an intriguing, enlightening dialogue about why our faith matters and serves as preparation for confirmation or baptism. Please contact Anne-Britt if your child will be a part of this, or if you have any questions.
Catechism class
Time: 6:15 pm
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