
Date: February 3, 2019
Time: 5:00 pm  to  6:00 pm

Candlemas, (pronounce Con-dull-Mass) is a Christian Holy Day marking the presentation of Jesus at the Temple and the Purification of Mary. In Ireland it is celebrated as Saint Brigid’s day a festival syncretized with the pre-Christian goddess, Brigid, associated with the spring season, fertility, healing, poetry and smithcraft.

On Candlemas, many Christians bring their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and taken home as a reminder of the Light coming into the world—a prayer of hope in dark days.

Bring your candles to be blessed on Candlemas, February, 3rd, 5pm at House of Mercy. All are welcome. Special readings, liturgy and music, and guest preacher: Green Bouzard.

Plus there will be pie after church! If you have extra candles, bring some to share for those who do not. we could all use a little extra light.


Click here to sign up to bring a pie 

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